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PayShap for Business

Payments aren’t meant to jog.

Let's run!

You need your money to sprint

But it’s hurdles all the way.

Time is money

Moving money costs you time and depletes your bottom line.

We make transactions fast and affordable, so they don’t break the bank.

Billing is a drag

Issuing bills is almost as painful as paying them.

We remove the complexity and make it seamless.

Integration is complex

Customers want more payment options but implementing new solutions is complicated.

We make it easy.

PayShap – consumers want it. Your competitors will offer it.

We’ll get you ahead of the pack.

Pay and get paid
Easy. Safe. Instant.

We are THE PayShap provider for business.

Point of Sale

Cut out the middleman.

Introduce an affordable, speedy and intuitive payment alternative for your customers and outshine your competitors.

Bill Issuing

Say goodbye to invoicing hurdles!

With us, bill issuing is just a click away, saving you time, effort, and money.


Get paid without breaking a sweat!

Just send a prompt on your preferred platform and watch the money flow in real time.


See money move at lightning speed.

Whether it’s salaries, insurance claims, or anything in between. No more waiting, no more frustration, just pure payment power!

We make it easy for you ...

... because we’re built for this.

We’re quick off the mark

And we’ll get you to the finish line.

Our innovation, simple integration and lightning-fast solutions will keep you outpacing your competitors.

Our tech goes the distance

We’re powered by Direct Transact’s rock solid technology.

But it's not just the tech. Direct Transact's infrastructure is offered as a managed service. So settlement, reconciliation, and fraud detection happens seamlessly on your behalf.

We’re backed by the best

Our regulatory affiliations speak for themselves.

We’re proud members of Payments Association of South Africa (PASA) and direct partners with BankservAfrica. We’re also certified by Visa and Mastercard as a third-party service provider and fully compliant with PCI DSS.

Leave your competitors behind

Case study: Here’s what it could look like for medical practices

1. Invoicing made simple

Medical practices send RTP invoices to ShapID customers via mobile numbers.

2. One-click payment

Customers receive RTP links via SMS or Whatsapp for quick payment acceptance.

3. Processed in a flash

Authorised payments are promptly processed and transferred.

4. Ping! You’ve got paid

Medical practices and customers receive immediate notification upon successful payments.
Case study: Here’s what it could look like for call centre collections

1. Payment bounced?

Call centre agents reach out to customers regarding failed debit orders.
2. Arrange to pay
Agents determine if customers have ShapIDs and if payments can be made.
3. RTP link sent
RTP links are sent to the ShapID customers via SMS or WhatsApp for swift payment acceptance.
4. Ping! You’ve got paid
Immediate fund transfer, immediate notification.
Case study: Here’s what it could look like for payroll agencies
1. Payout is a go
Payroll agency initiates payouts at the click of a button.
2. ShapID check-in
The employees’ registered ShapIDs confirms them as the designated payout recipients.
3. Payment success
Money appears instantly in employees’ bank accounts.
4. Ping!
Employees and payroll agency receives immediate confirmation of payment.
Case study: Here’s what it could look like for major retailers
1. Scan
Cashiers scan the items being purchased and a transaction message is generated.
2. One-click payment
Cashiers use the customers' ShapIDs to generate a RTP, which customers can approve instantly.
3. Processed in a flash
Payments are authorised immediately. Reconciliation and settlement details are available to retailer.
4. Ping! Payment success
Both the retailers and the customers receive instant payment confirmation.

Easy. Safe. Instant.

No-sweat integration

So simple you can do it yourself.

Easy plug-in

No hand-holding necessary.

Our systems seamlessly integrate with yours. It’s so user-friendly that you won’t need much help. But we’re here to support you whenever you need us.

Regular updates

We’ll keep you posted.

Be at the forefront of all PayShap updates and enhancements, with our dedicated support guiding you every step of the way.

We power all payments

... offering a full suite of payments-as-service, payouts and collections capabilities.

Our track record in the industry is bulletproof. We make payment integration easy, provide live visibility, and our intelligent payment tools help you make the best decisions for your business.

From real-time payments to electronic fund transfers, Debicheck and POS card payments, we make it happen.

Without the hassle. Without the risk.

Contact us

... to sprint ahead.

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Want payments that sprint?
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